Looking for a way to make a difference?
Volunteers are an important part in ensuring the community has a positive and welcoming experience accessing the food they need. Volunteers know food is a right and support the food bank in a variety of roles and schedule commitments. Share your time, skills and knowledge with our team!
In 2024, 628 volunteers contributed over 18 thousand hours of their time and efforts! To ensure we meet the needs of our customers and provide exceptional customer service, it takes 110 volunteers weekly to support ideal food bank operations.
Volunteers can serve in a variety of roles and with a variety of regular schedules or as substitutes. We do not require you to set a specific schedule. Most volunteers sign up for a regular weekly shift, but we host volunteers with a regular shift once or twice a month. The community who doesn’t want a regular schedule serve in our pool of substitutes, on call “rock stars” who step in when we have a gap in our regular schedule!
Your first step to become a volunteer is to complete the Volunteer Interest Form. After that, the team will reach out with next steps.
Highest Needs, February-March 2025:
Please complete our new volunteer information form (once it’s loaded onto the website) and sign up to become a volunteer if one of the below options matches your schedule!
High Needs:
On-Call Substitutes
Various Times. Become part of our pool of on-call substitute volunteers! Step in at least once a month into a shift that needs some support when our regular weekly volunteers call out.
Warehouse Help (can lift 40-60 pounds alone or with help, expect repetitive lifting)
Mondays 1-3pm, Wednesdays 9am-12:30pm, 11am-1pm or 12:30-4pm, or Thursdays 11am-1pm
Grocery Rescue Driver - with a fellow volunteer, drive to a list of grocery stores to pick-up left-over food and return it to the food bank.
Tuesdays, every 1st and 3rd from 8:30-11:30am
Grocery Store Support
Mondays 1:45-4pm, or Wednesdays and Thursdays 11:45am-2pm
Mobile Food Bank
2nd and 4th Tuesday every month 10am-1:30pm - starting in March!
Clean Up
Wednesdays and Thursdays 2-4pm.
Want to Volunteer on Weekends? The following roles are available to anyone interested and are nearly exclusively on weekends.
All summer long we need volunteers weekly on Sunday afternoon to assist with picking up produce from the West Seattle Farmer’s Market.
Event Support (click to read the Event Support position description)
Support the food bank with outreach in the community and at our special events! While we have events and outreach opportunities year-round, you can expect the most activity to occur May through September. We are specifically seeking volunteers who like chatting with the public, and firmly trust and value the food bank’s mission and methods!